
汽车行业依赖于稳健且精细调校的工艺流程,这些是实现持续高质量的基本前提。同时,在制造复杂形状部件时,持久的粘接性能以及先进材料的运用是重要的生产参数。Openair-Plasma® 处理技术以其卓越的性能满足了汽车行业的严苛要求,成为其他预处理技术无法比拟的选择,已在众多领先制造商的各种生产流程中得到广泛应用。

除了常压等离子在线处理技术外,Plasmatreat 的真空处理工艺(Aurora)还提供了更多可能性,以满足汽车行业对高品质的严格要求。


Tightly Sealed, Cost-Saving Bonding

EPDM profiles

Reliable Coating and Flock Coating

Car Interior Parts

Plasma for Uniform Surface Activation Over Large Areas


Plasma Treatment for Drive and Storage Systems

Car Exterior Parts

Cleaning and Activation of Complex Multi-Materials


VOC-free bonding of glass

Powertrain / Engine Electronics

Durable and Corrosion-Resistant Sealing of Adhesive Bondlines


了解 Plasmatreat 和利纳马如何在批量生产中成功地将 PlasmaPlus® 技术应用于自动化在线集成涂覆解决方案,请单击 “下载信息资料 ”按钮,了解实用解决方案和令人印象深刻的成果的完整故事。

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Christian Buske

The start of our cooperation with HELLA 30 years ago was a milestone for Plasmatreat: with the first application of Openair-Plasma® for surface treatment prior to the bonding of headlight housings, we laid the foundation for the industrial use of this innovative technology. Today, atmospheric-pressure plasma is an integral part of modern manufacturing processes. In the future, this technology will continue to play a key role in enabling high-performance manufacturing processes and thus the sustainable and efficient production of products.

- Christian Buske, Plasmatreat GmbH, CEO

HELLA part of the FORVIA Group, is a leading global automotive supplier with a focus on lighting technology, electronics, and vehicle access systems.



