Surface treatment in electronic potting

60 min

Welcome to our PlasmaTalk “Surface treatment in electronic potting”, where we explore the dynamic area of the two main techniques used to protect sensitive and critical electronic components from diverse threats, such as harsh environmental and climatic conditions, corrosive chemical aggression, vibrations, dust, exposure to heat and fire. Important aspects here are the potting material and the necessary pre-treatment of the components and substrates.

In diverse fields such as automotive, E-Mobility, household, and energy applications, WEVO's resilient PU casting resins have emerged as essential solutions for potting electronic components. Known for their durability and high-temperature resistance with insulation class F, these resins cater to the specific demands of various industries. Complementing this, Plasmatreat's state-of-the-art Openair-Plasma® technology plays a vital role in enhancing bonding properties, ensuring the reliable and efficient encapsulation of electronic components across a broad spectrum of applications and materials.

Our specialized PlasmaTalk by Sven Schepers, Sales manager at WEVO-CHEMIE and Joachim Schüßler, Head of Sales at Plasmatreat, aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of polyurethane chemistry, achievable properties, and proper handling techniques, with a focus on potting-friendly design, effective dispensing, and surface treatment processes.

Join us on this educational journey as we explain various applications, with a spotlight on the contributions of Plasmatreat and WEVO-CHEMIE. Whether you are a seasoned professional or a newcomer to the industry, our PlasmaTalk offers valuable insights that will elevate your understanding and proficiency in potting and encapsulation techniques.

The PlasmaTalk will last approximately 40-60 minutes plus a question-and-answer session. If you have a specific question, please send it in advance to so that we can incorporate it into the program. Please note that due to our international audience, we provide the time slot in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). Please check your time zone using the time calculator below (TimeCalc).