PlasmaPlus® AntiCorr® Technology – The Solution to avoid Bondline Corrosion

60 min

Do you have problems with bondline and crevice corrosion on your sealing system? Are you looking for a reliable, environmentally friendly way to improve the corrosion resistance of your product?

In this free of charge PlasmaTalk Lukas Buske will outline the capabilities and benefits of PlasmaPlus® anti corrosion coatings. He will explain why a corrosion treatment is necessary. Based on the operating principle of PlasmaPlus® AntiCorr layers, he will show how to achieve successful inline integration und give examples of successfully treated parts.

During the PlasmaTalk you learn more about:

  •     PlasmaPlus® coating technology
  •     Benefits of the anticorrosion coating with atmospheric pressure plasma
  •     Full quality control for inline integration
  •     Dramatic cost savings compared with alternative solutions

Please join this webinar if you are looking for an environmentally friendly solution to improve the corrosion resistance of your product without the need for any design changes!

The PlasmaTalk will run for between 40 - 60 min including a question and answer session. If you have a specific problem or question then please send your question in advance of the PlasmaTalk to so we can include it in the program.